Friday, April 11, 2008

Feeling Sheepish

The first time I tried Old Chatham Sheepherding Company's Sheep's Milk Yogurt, I bought a container of plain. I ate it without adding jam, which I usually do to plain yogurt to get a hint of sweetness, but I wanted to see how sheep's milk yogurt tasted plain. I liked its intense tanginess, but thought I should try one with flavor. My friend Sara M. recommended the ginger flavor, so for $2.79, I scooped one up at my local grocery store in the cheese section.

Keep in mind that I don't particularly like ginger, so this was potentially a stupid and costly yogurt decision. Yet I enjoyed the ginger even more than the plain. The chunks of ginger were not overwhelming, and the contrast between the ginger and the sour yogurt made every spoonful heavenly.

When I indulge in another sheep's milk yogurt, I think I will mix in some berry jam or even crack open a jar of fig jam that I bought a few weeks ago and have not gotten around to you. Very nice.

1 comment:

Count Mockula said...

I saw this at the store and thought about trying it. I love ginger. Strawberry or fig with ginger sounds especially good.